About Zones

The Zones feature of your Emberpulse allows you to manage collections of connected devices in your defined Emberpulse Rooms in a dynamic and centralised manner using your Emberpulse control pages.

A zone is a collection of rooms that have been added to your Emberpulse account. For example, you can create a zone called "Upstairs" and add all the upstairs room to that zone. By adding rooms to a zone, you can control multiple rooms at the same time. A room can be added to multiple zones and can be independently controlled inside each zone.

Adding Zones

To add zones to your Emberpulse account, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Emberpulse web portal at emberpulse.com.au
  2. From the main toolbar, select 'Connected Devices'

  1. On the page that opens, click on the 'ZONES' tab. If you have not added a zone before, your screen will look like this:

  1. Click on the 'Add Zone...' button. In the pop-up that appears, give a name to the zone and click on 'Continue'.

  1. After creating a new zone, you will be prompted to add rooms to your zones. After adding the rooms, the rooms will be listed on the page that appears when you click on the 'ZONES' tab of the home-automation page. To get to the home-automation page, click on the 'Connected Devices; option, on the toolbar on the home page.

If you have already added one or more zones, your screen will look like this:

Click on the zone to bring up its controller page.

  1. On the controller page of the zone, the status of the added rooms are listed.

You can toggle between the on and off states of all the devices in the rooms associated within the zone by clicking the On/Off room status button in the top right corner of the control page.

You can add or remove rooms from the zone by clicking the 'Choose Rooms...' button.

  1. The zone properties can be managed by clicking on the wrench icon. The options available are as follows:
Change the name of the zone.
Change icon
Change the icon associated with the zone.
Shortcut to home page
Create a shortcut for the zone on the home page.
Remove the zone from your Emberpulse account.

On clicking the 'Rename' option, the following pop-up will appear that will allow you to change the name of the zone:

On clicking the 'Change icon' option, the following pop-up will appear that will allow you to change the icon associated with the zone:

On ticking the 'Shortcut to home page' option, a shortcut to the zone will be created on your home page. When you add a new zone, the shortcut option, is ticked by default.

On clicking the 'Remove' option, the zone will be removed from your Emberpulse account. The zone will no longer be visible under the 'ZONES' tab when you select 'Connected Devices'. removing a zone will not remove the devices added to the rooms in the zone. To remove the added devices refer to Removing Home Automation Devices.